Nabizhan Muhamethkanuly Birth of place: 12.04.1954 He was born in Mukhur village of Togyztarau district of Yili region. Education: 1973-1977 Graduated from the History Department of Sun Zhongshan University in Guangzhou, China in 1977. Degree of Science: Doctor in History, Professor, the department of sinology, the Department of Oriental Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Director of the «Modern China Research Center». Career path: 1970-1980 worked in the Propaganda Department of the Yili County Party Committee. 1980-1993 Worked as an assistant researcher at the Central Asian Institute of the Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences, served as an associate researcher and deputy director of the Institute of Ethnology of the Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences (1989-1993) responsible for scientific research. 1993-1997 He studied at the Ch.Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the Republic of Kazakhstan at his own expense, studied for a doctoral degree. 1997-2000 He was an associate researcher at the Ch.Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2000-2007 Associate Professor, Professor and Head of Modern and Contemporary History of foreign countries Department (2005-2007) of the historical faculty of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. 2007-2014 Professor of International Relations and World Economy Department, Faculty of International Relations of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. 2014-2017 Head of the department of sinology at Oriental studies faculty of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. 2017- to present Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the director of the «Modern China Research Center» at the university. 1995 He defended candidate degree of history on the topic «The History of the Development of Relations between Kazakhstan and China (18-20th Century) ». In the specialty 07.00.02 National History (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan). 2001 Defended his Doctor degree on the subject of History of the topic «History of Kazakh society in China (1860-1920)» in the specialty 07.00.03 -World History, 07.00.02 - National History (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan). 2008 He got Associate Professor, 2009 He received his Professor’s degree. Awards: In 1990 he was awarded the title of «Xinjiang Youth»; in 1991 he was «China You
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Универ. им. Сунь Ят Сена |
Высшее |
1977 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Доктор |
27/09/2002 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Профессор |
29/05/2009 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель вуза" в 2009 году |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Modern China's diplomacy and the methodology of its stady |
Modern China's diplomacy and the methodology of its stady |
9-关于撰写学术论文的若干问题-2 |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
ШАХҚ.Карта |
The Methodology of Eastern Written Sources Study |
Шығ.тіл. Мет. Cиллабус |
The Methodology of Eastern Written Sources Study |
Шығ.тіл.Мет. Семинар |
The Methodology of Eastern Written Sources Study |
Емтихан Ш.Ж. |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
ШАХҚ. қосымша |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
Семинар.ШАХҚӨМ |
International Relations and Foreign Policy of the East Asia Region |
International Relations and Foreign Policy of the East Asia Region |
International Relations and Foreign Policy of the East Asia Region |
Емтихан. Ш АХҚСС |
The Methodological Basis in Region Studies |
Қосымша-Қытайдың аймақтық және халықаралық ұйымдардағы саясаты |
The Methodological Basis in Region Studies |
Семинар Мед. иссл. регион. |
The Methodological Basis in Region Studies |
Семинар Мед. иссл. регион. |
The Methodological Basis in Region Studies |
Карта-Қытайдың аймақтық және халықаралық ұйымдардағы саясаты |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Қосымша.ҚССДД |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Лекция.Қ CCДД |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Семинар.ҚССДД |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
Шығыс Азия Силлабус |
Modern China's diplomacy and the methodology of its stady |
Қытай дип.зерттеу М. УМКД |
Modern China's diplomacy and the methodology of its stady |
Семинар ҚҚПЗМ. |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
Семинар.ШАХҚӨМ |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
Семинар.ШАХҚӨМ |
Modern China's diplomacy and the methodology of its stady |
Карта-11-Қытай дип.мето. |
Modern China's diplomacy and the methodology of its stady |
Қазақстандағы қытайзерттеу еңбектеріне шолу |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Емтихан. Қ ССДД |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Midterm. ҚССДД |
International Relations and Foreign Policy of the East Asia Region |
Қосымша.ШАЕХҚСС |
International Relations and Foreign Policy of the East Asia Region |
International Relations and Foreign Policy of the East Asia Region |
Midterm. ШАХҚСС |
International Relations and Foreign Policy of the East Asia Region |
The Methodological Basis in Region Studies |
Силлабус. Метод. регионоведении |
The Methodological Basis in Region Studies |
Методикалық көмекші құрал-Қытайдың аймақтық және халықаралық ұйымдардағы саясаты |
The Methodological Basis in Region Studies |
Midterm Метод.иссл. регион. |
The Methodological Basis in Region Studies |
Емтихан Метод. иссл. регион. |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
SHeges tariyhe |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
ШАХҚӨМ емтихан |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
MidtermExaм ҚҚСДҚТ. |
Modern China's diplomacy and the methodology of its stady |
Midterm Em.ҚДЗМ |
Actual Problems of International Relations in East Asia |
Midterm Eм. ШЕДҚӨМ |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
MidtermExaм |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
Семинар сабақтарының тапсырмалары мен әдіс. нұсқау. |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
Қытай С.С. Ком.Емтихан |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
УМКД-титулка қазақша(1)-2 |
Analysis and Writing of Scientific Texts in Target Language |
MidtermExaм Ғылым.еңбек жазу |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
Силлабус Қазақ-Қытай қатнасы 2016. Соңғы үлгіде |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
Абылай хан және Шығыс |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
Карта -12 |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
Қазақ-Қытай СДҚ .1- дәріс |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
Қытай С.С. Ком.Емтихан |
Analysis and Writing of Scientific Texts in Target Language |
Силлабус ғылыми мәтін. 2016. Соңғы үлгіде |
Analysis and Writing of Scientific Texts in Target Language |
Семинар сабақтарының тапсырмалары мен әдіс. нұсқау. |
Analysis and Writing of Scientific Texts in Target Language |
Өзіндік жұмыс |
Analysis and Writing of Scientific Texts in Target Language |
Мәдениет қауыпсіздігі |
Analysis and Writing of Scientific Texts in Target Language |
Емтихан ғылыми мәтін |
Analysis and Writing of Scientific Texts in Target Language |
Карта- ғылыми мақала |
Analysis and Writing of Scientific Texts in Target Language |
9-关于撰写学术论文的若干问题-2 |
Theory of International Relations |
2011-2012 МАГИСТР - 2 |
Theory of International Relations |
2011-2012 МАГИСТР - 2 |
Methodic of Teaching of International Relations |
2011-2012 МАГИСТР - 2 |
Modern Historical Processes in the Eastern Countries |
Шығыстану Маг. 2011-2012.Н.М. |
Problems of National Policy and Security of the Eastern Countries |
Шығыстану Маг. 2011-2012.Н.М. |
Problems of National Policy and Security of the Eastern Countries |
Шығыстану Маг. 2011-2012.Н.М. |
The Methodology of Eastern Written Sources Study |
Шығыстану Маг. 2011-2012.Н.М. |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research |
MidtermExaм Ғ.Ұ.Ж. |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of China |
Қытайдың жазба ескерткіштері Силлабус |
Written Monuments in Chinese Language on History and Culture of Kazakhstan |
Қытай жазбалары Силлабус |
Written Monuments in Chinese Language on History and Culture of Kazakhstan |
Қытай жазбалары Сем. |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of China |
ҚСС.Силлабус |
Written Monuments in Chinese Language on History and Culture of Kazakhstan |
Midterm Емт. |
SCO and the Modern World Order |
ШЫҰ Силлабус |
Security Issues in Central Asia |
Security Issues in Central Asia |
Орталық Азия қауіпсіздік мәселелері семинар |
Security Issues in Central Asia |
SCO and the Modern World Order |
ШЫҰ Силлабус |
SCO and the Modern World Order |
ШЫҰ семинарлар |
SCO and the Modern World Order |
ШЫҰ қысқа лекциялар |
China in International Relations System |
Н.М. Силлабус ХАҚҚ |
China in International Relations System |
China in International Relations System |
Foreign Policy of the China |
ҚСС.Силлабус |
Foreign Policy of the China |
ҚСС.Семинар |
Political System of China |
Қытайдың С. Ж.Семинар |
Political System of China |
Қытайдың С. Ж.Семинар |
Political System of China |
Қытай С.Ж. Емтихан |
Foreign Policy of the China |
Қытай С.С. Қысқ лекция |
Foreign Policy of the China |
Қытай Сыртқы саясаты Емтихан |
Political System of China |
Қытай саяси жүйесі қысқа Дәрістер |
Political System of China |
Қытай С.Ж. Емтихан |
Foreign Policy of the China |
Қытай Сыртқы саясаты Емтихан |
Written Monuments of China |
Карта-9 |
Foreign Policy of the China |
Карта-11 |
Political System of China |
Карта -12 |
Written Monuments of China |
Шығыс Ж.Д.Ем. |
Foreign Policy of the China |
ҚСС.Семинар |
Foreign Policy of the China |
ҚСС.Семинар |
Foreign Policy of the China |
Қытай С.С. Қысқ лекция |
Foreign Policy of the China |
Foreign Policy of the China |
ҚСС.Семинар |
Political System of China |
Қытайдың С. Ж.Семинар |
Written Monuments of China |
Шығыс жазбасы-Дәрістер |
The Methodology of Eastern Written Sources Study |
PhD Cиллабус |
The Methodology of Eastern Written Sources Study |
PhD Cиллабус |
The Methodology of Eastern Written Sources Study |
Шығыс жазба дерек. Семинар |
Written Monuments of China |
Помятники Китая. Васток |
Written Monuments of China |
Шығыс жазба дерек. Семинар |
Written Monuments of China |
Помятники Китая. Васток |
Written Monuments of China |
Шығыс жазбасы-Дәрістер |
Written Monuments of China |
Қытай деректері жөнінде қосымша. |
Political System of China |
Қытайдың С. Ж.Семинар |
Political System of China |
Қытайдың С. Ж.Семинар |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
Қазақ-Қытай қатынасы Силлабус |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
Семинар сабақтарының тапсырмалары мен әдіс. нұсқау. |
History of Political Relations Between Kazakhstan and China (middle of the XVIII C.- Beginning of the XXI C.) |
СРСП Қазақ-Қытай |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of China |
Қытай.Доктина.Силлабус |
Political System of China |
Қытай саяси жүйесі Силлабус |
Foreign Policy of the China |
ҚСС.Силлабус |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Резюме Мардана |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
ШЫҰ емтихан |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Резюме Мардана |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
Қытай мәд.сем. |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
Қытай мәд.сем. |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Карта- Шығыс -3. |
History of China |
Зардыхан агай |
History of China |
Қытай тарихы сем. |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
Карта-7 |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
Емтихан-Трансформация |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
Карта-7 |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Қытай мәд.сем. |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Қытай мәд.сем. |
Written Monuments in Chinese Language on History and Culture of Kazakhstan |
Foreign Policy of the China |
Карта-10 |
Written Monuments in Chinese Language on History and Culture of Kazakhstan |
Карта-10 |
History of China |
Қытай Т. емтихан |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Қытай М. емтихан |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
Емтихан-Трансформация |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
ШЫҰ емтихан |
History of China |
Қытай тарихы. Қысқа лекция |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Қытай мәд. қысқа лекция |
History of China |
Қытай тарихы сем. |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Абайдың әлеуметтік саяси ойлары |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
Шанхай Набижан |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
ШЫҰ семинарлар |
History of China |
Қытай тарихы сем. |
History of China |
Карта- Шығыс -3. |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
ШЫҰ семинарлар |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
ШЫҰ семинарлар |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
ШЫҰ қысқа лекциялар |
The Process of Globalization and International Relations |
Жаһандану және жаһандық мәдениет -Қосымша |
Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
ҚР С.С. қосымша |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
ҚР С.С. Емтихан |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
ҚХР С.С.Доктринасы |
Modern Historical Processes in the Eastern Countries |
Шығыс елдері тарихы.Дәріс-қысқа -13 |
Modern Historical Processes in the Eastern Countries |
Қосымша Қытай тарихы бойынша |
Modern Historical Processes in the Eastern Countries |
Емтихан Шығыс тарихы |
Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
ҚР С.С. Емтихан |
Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Карта-8 |
The Process of Globalization and International Relations |
Гловализция процесі және ХҚ. Қысқаша Д. |
The Process of Globalization and International Relations |
Емтихан Х.Қ.-жаһандану |
The Process of Globalization and International Relations |
Карта-8 |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Қытай С.Д. қосымша |
Problems of Source Study and Historiography of the Studied Country |
Дерек және ттарихнама |
Problems of Source Study and Historiography of the Studied Country |
Дерек және ттарихнама |
Problems of Source Study and Historiography of the Studied Country |
Дерек және ттарихнама |
Problems of Source Study and Historiography of the Studied Country |
Дерек және ттарихнама |
Geopolitics and the Problem of Regional Cooperation in Central Asia |
ОА геосаясат УМКД-2012-2013 |
Geopolitics and the Problem of Regional Cooperation in Central Asia |
ОА геосаясат УМКД-2012-2013 |
Geopolitics and the Problem of Regional Cooperation in Central Asia |
ОА геосаясат УМКД-2012-2013 |
History of Asia and Africa |
Азия-Африка 2012 |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research |
Ғ.З.Ұ. Емтихан |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research |
УМКД. Орган. Нау.Ис. 16. |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research |
Ғ.Ұ. МӨЖ |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research |
Ғ.Ұ. МӨЖ |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research |
Силлабус. Орган. Нау.Ис. 16. |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research |
Ғ.Ұ. МӨЖ |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research |
Карта Қ.С.С. |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of China |
Қытай.Доктина.Силлабус |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of China |
Семинар сабақтарының тапсырмалары мен әдіс. нұсқау. |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
К-Ц. Трансформация |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
К-Ц. Трансформация |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
К-Ц. Трансформация |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
К-Ц. Трансформация |
Modern Historical Processes in the Eastern Countries |
Современный источники УМКД |
Modern Historical Processes in the Eastern Countries |
Современный источники УМКД |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Қытай мәд.сем. |
History of China |
Қытай мәдениеті Силлабус |
History of China |
Қытай тарихы Силлабус |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Қытай мәдениеті Силлабус |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
ШЫҰ Силлабус |
History of China |
Қытай тарихы Силлабус |
Culture,Science and Education of China |
Қытай мәдениеті Силлабус |
SCO As A Factor in Regional Security |
ШЫҰ Силлабус |
Political System of China |
Қытай саяси жүйесі қысқа Дәрістер |
Political System of China |
Theory of Intercultural Communication |
Карта-9 |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of China |
Қытай.Доктина.Силлабус |
Written Monuments in Chinese Language on History and Culture of Kazakhstan |
Қазақстанда қытай зерттеулер |
Written Monuments in Chinese Language on History and Culture of Kazakhstan |
Емтихан- дерек-тарихнама |
Written Monuments in Chinese Language on History and Culture of Kazakhstan |
Қытай Ж.ЕД. -1 |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
ОА М.Транс.Силлабус |
Cultural and Civilizational basis of Transformation in Central Asia |
ОА МӨ Симнар |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
International Relations and Foreign Policy of the East Asia Region |
International Relations and Foreign Policy of the East Asia Region |
The Methodological Basis in Region Studies |
МӨЖ. Метод. иссл. регион. |
Transformation Processes in the Studied Country of the East in the XXI century |
Қосымша |
Қытай Халық Республикасының сыртқы саясаты және Қазақстанмен қатынасы (2000-2010)
"Қазақ университеті" 2012 - г. 192 - стр.
Қытайдың сыртқы саясаты және Қазақстанмен қатынасы
"Қазақ университеті" 2013 - г. 254 - стр.
Ізденіс: тарих және замана
Мерей 2014 - г. 248 - стр.
Абылай хан энциклопедия
"Қазақ энциклопедиясы" 2013 - г. 652 - стр.
Алаш ғылымының Манашы
" Қазақ университеті " 2016 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-1836-3 5 - стр.
Мажиқызы Н..
Нығмет Мыңжани таңдамалы мақалалар
Мерей 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-7478-66-7 175 - стр.